This Lent season, walk with us on a journey of reflection, repentance, and renewal.

Mar 5: Youth and Women’s Group are canceled due to weather. 

Feb 5

No Cornerstone Youth

Feb 5 » Feb 12

Nations Night Rescheduled

VBS: Magnified!

Discovering the Bigness of God in the Smallest of Things

At VBS, kids will be encouraged to look closely at the details of God’s amazing world and magnify, or proclaim, the greatness of God. God made us, cares about us, loves us, forgives us, and is faithful to keep all His promises to us. We were made to magnify God!

VBS is for four-year-olds through current 4th graders (2024-2025; kids must be four by June 12, 2025). When registering kids for VBS please make sure the grade entered is the grade your child is in at the date of registration.

Date & Time Details

Monday-Wednesday will include VBS Rotations from 6:00p-7:45p followed by family worship at 7:55p. Parents are asked to pick their kids up at 7:45p and gather in the Main Auditorium for worship and the day’s wrap-up.
Thursday evening we will have a Family Gathering in the Main Auditorium that will include worship, VBS wrap-up, and fun family activities. This gathering will be followed by a carnival on the back lawn!



Want to help us get ready for VBS? We have a lot of decorating projects ranging in size, time, and abilities. Contact Jackie Bong at [email protected] to see how you can help!

during VBS

In order to serve and accommodate all of the kids at VBS we need support. Volunteers are needed Monday-Wednesday to serve as class leaders and helpers or in crafts, recreation, childcare, or snacks.


Childcare will be available for kids three and under whose parents are volunteering at VBS.


Register everyone in your family at one time! Follow the link below to register every person in your family who will participate in VBS. Simply add the number of people for each attendee type:

  • VBS Attendee (4s-5th grade in fall 2025)
  • Nursery Attendee (3s and under)
  • VBS Volunteer (parents, youth volunteers, church attendees)

then follow the prompts to complete your registration. If you need to register a guest, you can add them during the registration process. You will just need their birthdate and grade, and be sure to check the box to “add this person to my household” so you can check them in.

Contact Jackie Bong if you have any questions at [email protected].

We are SO excited for VBS 2025!


The Stories of Cornerstone series is dedicated to showing how God is moving in the lives of members.