8:30, 10:30a

Christmas Eve:
3:00, 4:30P

Feb 13: Women’s Group is canceled due to weather. 

Feb 5

No Cornerstone Youth

Feb 5 » Feb 12

Nations Night Rescheduled

Looking to Serve?

It takes a lot of volunteers to make ministry happen! Check out various opportunities to serve below.

Serving on Sunday Mornings

Whatever your strengths or passions, there are many ways you can align your interests with serving opportunities. 

Help greet members and new visitors by serving them a hot cup of coffee and friendly conversation on Sunday mornings. 

Choir Sundays are some of our favorite Sundays on the Worship team, and we’re always looking to build on this great group of vocalists. Consider auditioning to join the Cornerstone Choir!

The Equipping setup team helps create welcoming environments for Equipping classes through room set up and tear down.

Attend the 12 week Faith and Finances class with someone who has struggled to make ends meet. The class meets after the first service on Sundays, so there is an opportunity to worship alongside your partner before attending the class where you both can learn about God’s heart for our finances. 

Visitors to our church can be intimidated by the size and amount of people here on a Sunday morning. Helpful volunteers greet people as they walk in, help them find a seat in the auditorium, and give directions if needed!

The Cornerstone Kids Ministry is always looking for additional help serving in our kid’s classrooms during our Sunday Services! We have hundreds of kids that show up each Sunday morning and we’d love for you to join our team by helping us make sure that every child who walks into our kid’s classrooms feel seen, welcomed, loved and hears more about Jesus!

By serving on the production team, you can help facilitate worship gatherings at Cornerstone. We desire to lead clear and compelling gatherings, and it takes a lot behind the scenes to do so. We’d love to have you on board.

We want to ensure a secure environment for our visitors and children to learn and grow.

Sign up to drive the van that picks up local individuals and families so that they are able to attend church on Sundays or Cornerstone Recovery on Monday nights. This is a neat way to use a common skill to really care for others in a tangible way!

Sundays and Mondays

Those with musical and production experience help our church worship together as a gathered church.

Sundays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays

Serving with Cornerstone Ministries

Beyond Sunday mornings, there are ample opportunities to jump in with Cornerstone’s outward-facing ministries.

Sign up to receive City Ministry emails. This email comes out periodically and shares about practical needs within our church body and also amongst the ministries that we serve. Sometimes the need is a stop by the store (think diapers for the struggling mom) and other times we are looking for volunteers (think school supply drive).

Varied days and times

Cornerstone Recovery has several different ways to jump in and serve within the ministry. You can serve alongside others by greeting, setting up and tearing small group break out rooms and the cafe, joining the tech team, serving in worship, bringing food to share, driving and riding along in the van, or working in the cafe setting up and serving the food.

Monday evenings

We want our overseas workers to know and be known by our church family! Join a Sending Team to care and advocate for those we have sent and continue to support!

Varied days and times

With the many events happening at and around Cornerstone, we need help capturing these moments with intention and skill. 

Varied days and times

We need fall semester childcare workers to serve during Cornerstone’s Thursday morning Women’s Group. This position is paid: $25.00 for adults (ages 16+) and $15.00 for youth (ages 12-15).

Thursday mornings, Sep 14 to Nov 16 from 8:15–10:30a

Cornerstone Youth small group leaders are called to love and lead middle or high school students and inspire them to know, love, and follow Jesus. By creating a sense of belonging for students, small group leaders cultivate an environment for the gospel to be received in the hearts and lives of the next generation.


Serving in the Community

As members of the Ames community, we want to be servants to the people and systems that make up our city. 

Connect with men or women that have reached out to the church asking for help. Being an ally often entails hearing someone’s story, speaking encouragement and the gospel into their lives, and considering how the church can help meet their practical needs. Often there is an opportunity for a continued relationship between the ally and person reaching out for help!

Varied days and times

Looking for an opportunity to live out the Great Commission right here in Ames, but don’t have the opportunity to lead in a weekly International Friendship Connection (IFC) family group? The English Conversation Partners program is lower commitment way to meet a great need in our city. Sign up to get paired with a same-gender international student, meet with them once per month at any time and place convenient for you and your partner, and just simply create a context for your friend to practice his or her English. We’ll send you monthly discussion prompts and tips on helping this relationship be as fruitful as possible.

Varied days and times

An ally is a relationally-focused opportunity to partner with someone in need in our local community. Home For Awhile is a transitional housing program helps to establish families in our community through finding work and affordable housing. Allies partner with the tenant families to be an encouragement and often an invitation to church.

Varied days and times

IFC Family Group leaders welcome the nations through inviting international students into relationship and providing a space for them to explore who God is. Once a week for a few hours, we share a meal, open the Bible, discuss our beliefs, play games, and build friendships!

Varied days and times

A group of mechanics donate their time to help repair vehicles of people in our community that don’t have the resources to do so. If you have been gifted in this area, consider donating your time to loving families in our community in this way.

Varied days and times

We desire to mobilize Cornerstone members to be a faithful presence in our local schools. Each school has an established liaison that connects with leadership at the school to share our desire to help meet needs and to coordinate periodic teacher appreciation events. The public school volunteer team helps to meet needs as they arise and bans together to care for the staff throughout the academic year.

Varied days and times

Cornerstone’s youth mentoring program connects youth that could use some extra investment with Cornerstone mentors that have a desire to be an encouragement for youth in our ministries. Mentors and mentees meet at the church a couple of times a month, frequently connecting during Cornerstone youth on Wednesdays or between Sunday morning services.

Sign Up Here


The Stories of Cornerstone series is dedicated to showing how God is moving in the lives of members.