Cornerstone Youth and Women’s Group are canceled due to weather. Nations Night is rescheduled to Feb 12.
Feb 5
No Cornerstone Youth
Feb 5 » Feb 12
Cornerstone Youth and Women’s Group are canceled due to weather. Nations Night is rescheduled to Feb 12.
Feb 5
Feb 5 » Feb 12
An Outward Symbol of New Life in Christ
If you want to know more about why baptism is important, watch this brief video overview from Pastor Kip on baptism in the Bible and at Cornerstone. Then, sign up to take Baptism 101 as your first step toward getting baptized.
We totally understand the fear of public speaking, and the crowds at Cornerstone are often very large for baptism services! However, we believe that identifying with Christ in baptism is meant to be a very public celebration for you personally and for the church corporately. We would encourage you to prayerfully ask Christ to empower you in spite of your fear. Scroll below to watch one of our past baptism services to stir your faith and help you to prepare to share your story!
You sure can! If there is a person who has been formative in your decision to follow Christ, we want you to feel freedom to have them baptize you. Due to the size of our baptism tank, we’d encourage those getting baptize to invite no more than two people to baptize them. And if you don’t have someone to baptize you, a pastor on our Cornerstone staff team will do so happily!
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Ames, IA 50010
(515) 232-5488
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