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Cornerstone Global’s vision is for each of our overseas workers to know and be known by other members at Cornerstone. Below you can get to know the names and faces of those sent out to the nations.
“My team and I are working to share the gospel and church plant amongst college students.”
Pray for the discipleship of new believers
Pray for the political climate
Pray we would meet more Taiwanese students to share the gospel with
Email [email protected] to sign up for updates.
“We work to build relationship with college students in hopes of winning them to Christ, and then we help them grow in that relationship. We also seek to plant a church or partner with a local Taiwanese body so that students can have easy access to gospel-centered community.”
Pray for the believers we have seen proclaim Christ grow in maturity and wisdom in Christ.
Pray for a local Taiwanese church that would be willing to partner with us in starting a church in our location of the city so that college students can experience gospel-centered community in their own heart language.
Email [email protected] or [email protected] to sign up for updates.
“I currently live in South Asia and desire to share the Gospel and plant Christ-centered churches with an emphasis on reaching college students and their families. There are 20 million people in the city where I will live, of which 600,000 are college students. Pray for God to transform lives through the power of the Gospel!”
Pray that the beauty and power of Jesus would be revealed in a spiritually confused city
Pray that God would raise up leaders in my city to lead churches and disciple locals
Email [email protected] to sign up for updates.
“My team is working to reach college students with the gospel in our city.”
Pray that the people of our city would see God as the One and Only God; that they would be drawn to worship His Name alone.
Pray that we would engage in the South Asian culture with grace and truth – for willing hearts to contextualize to our friends.
Pray that we would abide daily with God and be rooted in our identity in Him!
Email [email protected] to sign up for updates.
God has placed a burden on our hearts to share the gospel and plant churches amongst the unreached people groups (UPGs) of South Asia.
Pray that the people of South Asia would come to know the saving grace of Jesus
Pray that God would sustain us and let us continue to serve here. What a blessing it is to be a part of his redemption story to South Asia
Pray that we would grow to know him more
Email [email protected] to sign up for the newsletter.
We serve as the Nairobi City Team Leaders in Kenya where we lead teams working towards the same mission of seeing Kenyan churches sending Kenyan missionaries to the ends of the earth. Our team consists of missionaries focused on a wide range of people groups including university students and young professionals (age 18-35), refugees, South Asians, Muslims, youth (under age 18), and existing Kenyan believers and churches.
Pray for Kenyan churches to send Kenyan missionaries to the ends of the earth.
Pray for the Nairobi City Team to be unified in Christ.
Pray that we will abide well as we engage in the missionary task.
Email Ally at [email protected] to sign up for their newsletter.
We are church planting among Hindu people in a large South Asian city
Pray for super natural language learning abilities for our team!
Pray that above all we would abide with God daily
Pray that Hindu people would be saved and plant churches that would reach the city that we’re serving in!
Email [email protected] to sign up for the newsletter.
We are working among university students in SE Asia
Pray that God would bring college students in SE Asia to Himself Pray that our team would abide in Christ Pray that our marriage would be glorifying to God and Spirit-filled
Email Emily at [email protected] to sign up for their newsletter.
Our team’s vision is to see a healthy Thai church born where Thai people hear the truth and are discipled to know and love Jesus. The team is diligently learning the Thai language and broadly sharing the Gospel, primarily amongst college students in Bangkok. As students’ hearts are moved by the Gospel, they are pulled into the team’s lives, Bible studies, and worship. We long for Jesus to be honored in Thailand through the Thai people!
For joy in Jesus that would energize our team toward diligent language study and pursuit of people!
For wisdom in our next steps of church planting and discipleship.
Email Taylor at [email protected] to sign up for her newsletter.
We lead a training team to support new workers in their first two years of transition, mentoring them to become healthy long-term workers who are effective in this cultural context. We also serve a local (national) CH plant toward deeper understanding of G’s word and application to their daily lives.
Pray for our kids. As they struggle with where they fit whether here or in the U.S., both are foreign to them. Pray they would continue to learn and cling to their identity in JC and walk in the faith they proclaim.
Pray for local believers here to develop deep foundations of faith that can not be wavered by intense persecution and pressure. That they would be the good soil.
Pray also for the Spirit to move mightily in opening ears to hear and hearts to receive the Good News. We want to see the name of JC exalted across the land and drown out the call to prayer.
Email [email protected] to receive contact information for P and H.
We focus on the next generation of Thais, and desire to see them come to hear of the good news of Jesus and see believers begin to gather and identify as a the church together.
Pray that for the hard soil of Thailand to become soft and receptive for the gospel.
Pray for healthy churches with a desire to reach the next generation.
Pray for the team – for perseverance in language and culture learning and for unity, grace, and love to abound.
Email [email protected] to sign up for their newsletter.
Marcus & Bum lead a ministry in NE Thailand called The Light Center that provides a wide range of support to pregnant teen mothers, foster care for infants, and advocacy for victims of sexual exploitation. By partnering closely with both the local Thai church and government, we have the unique opportunity to promote the value of life, share the love of Christ, and the truth of the Gospel to people of influence that we partner with on a regular basis.
Pray for the teen mothers we help to know their value, and to respond to the Gospel and desire to follow Jesus.
Pray for The Light Center team as they talk with young women seeking abortions and work with hospitals to offer life-affirming alternatives to abortion.
Email [email protected] to sign up for their newsletter.
Pray for wisdom as we seek to grow in our relationships with our local connections. Pray that the Lord would continue to draw more to Himself.
Email [email protected] to sign up for their newsletter.
Pray for our family — that we would be protected, strengthened and built up in His grace.
Pray for our ministry — that specifically in our context we would have favor among local authorities and be given discernment as to when to be patient and when to be bold as we proclaim Christ in our relationships.
Email [email protected] to sign up for their newsletter.
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