New Directions to Cornerstone



For The World.

Sending healthy members & resources to plant and strengthen churches in strategic partnerships around the world. What is the Lord calling you to today?

Jesus called us in Luke 10:2 to pray for laborers in the harvest field. Learn more about ways to pray for the nations and specific people and places Cornerstone is connected to.

Thousands of international students come to study here in Ames. 8% of Ames residents are international; 12% of ISU. That’s 4,000+ students and professors from over 100 countries.

Cornerstone Global’s vision is for each of our overseas workers to know and be known by other members at Cornerstone.

As members of Cornerstone give, they participate in global missions. 14% of what is given to the Cornerstone general fund goes towards global missions.

Cornerstone provides many opportunities to become more acquainted with international sending partnerships and God’s heart for the world throughout the Scriptures.

With both short-term and long-term opportunities, there are many contexts in which you can be sent.


Jesus called us in Luke 10:2 to pray for laborers in the harvest field. Learn more about ways to pray for the nations and specific people and places Cornerstone is connected to.

Pray for Overseas Workers

Jesus called us in Luke 10:2 to pray for laborers in the harvest field. Learn more about ways to pray for the nations and specific people and places Cornerstone is connected to.

Prayer Resources & Ideas

10:02 Prayer

Luke 10:2 encourages us to pray for God to raise up laborers for the harvest. Set your smartphone alarm for 10:02 everyday to pray for the nations.

Prompts & Routines

Prayer Cast
Prayer videos for individual countries

The Joshua Project
A database of unreached people groups

Operation World
Pray for a country a day for a year.

Window on the World
A kid-friendly version of Operation World

Nations Nights

Global Nations Nights are a time to corporately worship the Lord and pray for the work He is doing here and abroad.

Upcoming Dates:

Pray for our Overseas Workers

Learn more about those sent from Cornerstone and how you can be praying for them


Thousands of international students come to study here in Ames. To be salt and light to the ends of the earth just by crossing the street is an incredible opportunity.

8% of Ames are internationals

12% of ISU are internationals

4000+ students & professors from over
100 countries

ways to welcome your neighbors

English Conversation Partners is a program of International Friendship Connection. Native English speakers are paired with those who are learning and wanting to practice their English skills. Partners meet once a month for conversations and practice English along with learning from each other. If you are interested, whether American or International, you can sign up below!


Cornerstone Global’s vision is for each of our overseas workers to know and be known by other members at Cornerstone.

Joining a Sending Team

If you would be willing to come alongside others in caring for an overseas worker:

Ways for Anyone to Care for an Overseas Worker


Get prayer requests from an overseas worker either through their email updates or by directly asking them for prayer requests. Invite your connection group to pray as a group once a month for one of our overseas workers.


Have personal conversations with an overseas worker. Consider a Zoom call with them once a season or a couple of times a year. Write e-mails or letters once a month or a season to let them know you are praying for them.


Commit sending a care package or Amazon gift card to an overseas worker once a year or more and/or consider being a financial partner with them.


Do you have resources, like housing or an extra vehicle, you can share with workers when they’re stateside?


As members of Cornerstone give, they participate in global missions. 14% of what is given to the Cornerstone general fund goes towards global missions.

How to give

Our encouragement for every Cornerstone member is to first give to the general fund so leadership can rightly appropriate funds to the areas needed. Then, as you look to give further, consider giving to a designated fund.

Where Global Funding Goes

Those who give financially to the Cornerstone general fund participate together in what God is doing globally and can trust that those dollars are stewarded well. 

The Cornerstone General fund allocates $600,000 each year to global missions. This means in 2021-22, 14 cents of every dollar given to the Cornerstone general fund goes toward Global Sending. Some of these activities include giving to outside organizations, members involved in ministries around the globe, and ministries that Cornerstone is directly involved with. We also receive $40,000 in raised funds to aid this budget.

Global Church Planting

Efforts include:

Supporting over 40 Overseas Goers from our church and network doing university church planting in East Asia and Southeast Asia

Supporting over 20 Cornerstone member missionaries throughout the world and near culture missionaries in Central Asia

Mobilizing US churches to adopt university cities around the world.

Global Church Strengthening

Efforts include:

Supporting the work of Serve India ministries

Supporting Albanian pastors

Support for pastor training and networking for Zambian pastors

Global Community Development Efforts

Efforts include:

Supporting the Hope Center in Zambia

Supporting The Light Center in Thailand

Supporting Mission Starfish in Haiti

Supporting Jonathan’s House

International Friendship Connection

Efforts include:

The ministry of International Friendship Connection (IFC)

Short-Term Trip Scholarships

Efforts include:

Trip scholarships for high school, Salt Company, and community trips globally

Staffing and Administration

Efforts include:

Staffing and administration for global missions as we help our church and network churches have and live out a global vision


Each year we will have an Introduction to Missions Crash Course. In this course, we will explore God’s heart for the world throughout the Scriptures, strategies for global missions, and your role in that global mission. We also provide regular “Lunch & Learn” meetings where you can get to know one of our partners and locations after second service.

Global Nations Nights are another place to learn and spend time in corporate worship to the Lord and pray for the work He is doing here and abroad.

lunch & Learns

Next Date

October 20

Check back soon to RSVP

Upcoming dates


Next Date

October 23

Dates will be here soon!

Upcoming Dates


With both short-term and long-term opportunities, there are many contexts in which you can be sent.


We have an incredible opportunity in our day and age to be exposed to the needs of the world and to have our personal and family’s worldview shaped by being exposed to people of other cultures. Cornerstone offers numerous cultural exposure trips for our members to be a blessing to our overseas partners and to learn from the faith of our dear brothers and sisters overseas.


With over 3 billion in the people in the world that have restricted or low access to the Gospel, the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. As a church, we desire to send healthy members into cross-cultural settings to bring the Gospel to the next generation of university students. Learn more about the long-term opportunities through Campus to Campus and the IMB to work overseas.

2024 trips

Restoring Hope Village is a group of homes in South Africa for orphaned, neglected or abused children, to give them a place where they feel loved. The goal is to break the cycle of sickness and death, and to meet physical, spiritual and emotional needs. This trip is great for anyone who would like to experience life in another culture while impacting the lives of children in an orphanage.

Important dates:

Oct 1 – Applications close
Nov 1 – First half of trip deposit due 
Dec 1 – Last half of trip deposit due 

We send groups of student leaders from The Salt Company to college campuses internationally each Summer! Be on the lookout for more info from Salt staff

Vol 003 • Fall 2023

From the Field

A publication of Cornerstone Global to tell the stories of overseas workers and the church around the globe.

Issue archive:





The Stories of Cornerstone series is dedicated to showing how God is moving in the lives of members.