New Service Times

Bible, Community, Mission

A quick glance at the Bible, Community, and Mission opportunities around Cornerstone and Ames at large.

Jump to:  Bible  |  Community  |  Mission

So those who accepted his message were baptized, and that day about 3,000 people were added to them. And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to the prayers. Then fear came over everyone, and many wonders and signs were being performed through the apostles.

Now all the believers were together and held all things in common. They sold their possessions and property and distributed the proceeds to all, as anyone had a need. Every day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the temple complex, and broke bread from house to house. They ate their food with a joyful and humble attitude, praising God and having favor with all the people. And every day the Lord added to them those who were being saved.

Acts 2:41–47


Cornerstone’s Equipping Ministry creates multi-generational contexts to provide deep theological roots, biblical literacy, and practical application for wise living in places God has positioned us.

Crash Courses

Free, workshop-style classes providing a deep dive on a theological subject for Christian life, practice, and discipline. Monthly on Sundays at 6p.

Marriage Tune-Up

Sunday, 6:00-8:00p
in The Box

This crash course will give you practical tools and biblical insights for you and your spouse to assess your marriage, enhance communication and intimacy, and prioritize one another amidst the busyness of life. Taught by Joel Jorgenson, therapist at Cornerstone Counseling Center.

Teacher: Joel Jorgenson

Parenting Through the Stages of Development

Sunday, 6:00-8:00p
in The Box

From toddlers to teens, parenting takes all sorts of shapes through the years. This crash course will help you understand the nature of each stage of your child’s development, and how this impacts all aspects of your parenting approach for the purpose of cultivating a meaningful and lasting relationship.

Teacher: Jill Thomas, Licensed Independent Social Worker

Childcare RSVP

101 Classes

Foundational classes for all ages introducing participants to Christian beliefs and practices. Each 101 is four weeks on Sunday mornings, and taught by a variety of staff and lay-leaders.

Fall Term 1

September 8 - Septemner 29

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Gospel 101

A class designed to deepen your understanding of the Gospel, what it means for every person, and how to confidently share the good news with others!

Teachers: TBD

Cost: $10 / person

Marriage 101

This class is for been-marrieds, almost-married, newly-married, or those thinking about getting married. We’ll take a deep dive on God’s design for marriage, foundational principles for a gospel-centered marriage, and practical tools and wisdom to address common problems that arise in marriage at all stages. 

This class combines large-group teaching with table discussions where you’ll be with other couples in a similar stage as you with mentor couples a few steps ahead.

Teachers: Steve and Paula Jones with mentor couples

Spring Term 1


Check back soon for Spring Term 1 classes 😎

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Bible 101

If the Bible is the most important book for Christians, it’s worth our while to understand why the Bible matters, how we got the Bible, and how we read and interact with it. This class will cover what Christians believe about the Bible and its message, and practical tools to read and study the Bible for yourself. You’ll walk away excited and confident to study God’s word and savor its truths and promises.

Teachers: Alanna Sellinger and Conell Christiansen

Cost: $10 / person

Marriage 101

A class designed for any married, engaged, or seriously dating couple. This 101 class addresses common challenges, foundational principles, and practical wisdom from a biblical perspective. This 101 class combines includes large group teaching and small group table discussion with mentor couples and other participants in a similar stage and season of marriage.

Teachers: Steve and Paula Jones with mentor couples

Cost: $10 / couple

Equip Weekend

Intensive seminars providing theological understanding & training on a particular subject and how it relates to Christian beliefs & practices. One weekend each semester.

Church History

with Gavin Ortlund

At this event, we will explore four major challenges facing the Western church, examining the “be true to yourself” mindset, the reduction of Christianity to a privatized faith, the moral revolution against traditional Christian values, and the emergence of non-traditional spiritualities. The conference aims to enhance our understanding of contemporary issues, enabling us to strengthen churches and advance the gospel in the future. Attendees will gain insights to connect with their communities, navigate challenges within their churches, and effectively share the gospel in today’s world.


The Groups Ministry at Cornerstone provides a variety of contexts where gospel friendships can flourish. We want every person to belong inside of a meaningful group that meets unique life stages and seasonal needs.

Connection Groups

Connection groups are the most common kind of group at Cornerstone. These groups are led by lay-leaders and meet on weeknights in homes across town. Most Connection Groups utilize the Bible, Community, Mission rhythm as its structure: Bible study and discussion, Community life together with gospel friendships, and Mission engagement through evangelism. You can view all Connection Groups, along with their times and locations, to find one!

More Groups

Salt Company Connection Groups

Weeknights, college-age students

International Student Family Groups

Weeknights, international students

Cornerstone Youth Small Groups

Wednesdays, middle and high school students

Encore Groups

Sundays: monthly, empty-nesters and retirees

Men’s Groups

Thursdays at 6:00a, all men welcome

Women's Groups

Wednesdays at 6:30p or Thursdays at 8:45a, all women welcome

Cornerstone Recovery Group

Mondays at 6:30p, anyone recovering from hurts, habits, and hangups

GriefShare Groups

Tuesdays at 6:30p, anyone grieving the death of a loved one


City Ministries at Cornerstone strives to be a faithful presence and fruitful witness here in Ames and beyond. Plus, it takes a lot of people to make ministry happen on Sunday mornings! This means we rely on ministry partners who ask, “How can I help?”

Lunch & Learns

Join us for lunch and for the opportunity learn about a partner of Cornerstone’s City and Global Ministries. Sundays after second service around 12:00p in the equipping room — Lunch is free, just RSVP!


No Upcoming Dates
Check back soon!


Topic: East Asia
July 21, 12:00p

Nations Nights

Global Nations Nights are a time to corporately worship the Lord and pray for the work He is doing here and abroad. Hosted at 7:00p.

Check back soon for upcoming dates

Feb 19

Serving: Cornerstone Family & Ames Community

It takes a lot of volunteers to make ministry happen! Whatever your strengths or passions, there are many ways you can align your interests with serving opportunities from Sundays and beyond.


Kids Ministry Volunteer
Hospitality/Greeting Volunteer
Coffee Bar Volunteer
Worship Team
Production Team
Choir Ministry
Equipping Set Up Volunteer
Faith and Finances Class Ally


Public School Volunteer
Home For Awhile Ally
English Conversation Partner
Youth Mentor
Benevolence Ally
Cornerstone Recovery Volunteer
Van Ministry
City Ministries Ad Hoc Needs


The Stories of Cornerstone series is dedicated to showing how God is moving in the lives of members.